Thursday, June 21, 2012

Visit to the L.A. Zoo

One of the first things I have done this summer is to go to the L.A. Zoo. I had a great time exploring the different habitats of the animals. A habitat is a place where animals live. Like a fish's habitat is the ocean. My friends Claire and Katie went with me. We had a great time looking at all of the animals, eating lunch, and riding the new carousel. The zoo is really beautiful now that most of the construction is finally done.

This little guy is a meercat. He just walked right up to the wall next to us.
The meercat has:
* A lot of fur
*A small nose
*A long tail
*Big eyes
*Small ears

This is my friends and I sitting on a lizard at the entrance to The Lair. The Lair is the new reptile building that just opened up about a month ago. I was really excited to see it! I have been waiting for it to open for over a year. It took a long time for them to build it. The Lair is so much nicer than the old reptile building. The enclosures are all made of glass and are alot bigger now. You can really see the animals good. There is also a nursery where you can see the babies. It is really cool!

This is one camoflauged snake. Do you see the head?
This is one of my favorite snakes in The Lair.

Out side of The Lair, we saw a crocodile with a very skinny nose.
A little bit of him is above water, and the rest is in the water.
I wouldn't want to swim with him!

This is a wild boar. He was just hanging out in the shade of a tree. You can see the tree's shadow in the background. You can also see the little pink flowers that have fallen off of the tree. I wonder if the boars eat them?

We watched this mountain goat climb up the steep hill.
He was a pro and didn't slip even once.

These are both female antelopes. The antelopes were eating the grass.
It was lunchtime. There was a male, but it was shy and kept hiding.

This silly monkey kept staring at us through his cage.
He has really long fingers and was making funny faces.

This is one of two baby tigers. He was relaxing in the shade of the palm tree.
It was a hot day, and he was tired.

We were so excited to have a chance to see this jaguar. Everytime we go to the zoo, he is sleeping in the back of his cage, under the grass. He was very big, and panted like a dog. He layed up high on his shelf for a while, and then jumped down to march circles around his enclosure. I wish that he was friendly so that we could pet him.

One of my favorite things at the zoo are the elephants. There is a new elephant enclosure that takes up the whole middle of the zoo. It is really nice, and the elephants seem to love their new house. I have seen three elephants in all. There are also elephant statues that are beautifully painted. You can stand by them and get your picture taken.

This is a female Komodo Dragon. She was right up against the glass.
I really loved the pattern on her back.

This is a flamingo. It was a the lightest one... the rest were really pink.
It had pink under its wings,and a pink beak.

This zebra came over close to us to say hi.

We saw my favorite animal at the zoo...the otter. He was just walking to the swimming pool to cool down. Then he started to talk to the other otter. It was really funny! They made a lot of squeaky noises.

I really love going to the zoo! If you live nearby, you should definitely go and visit The Lair!

Do you live near a zoo?
What is your favorite animal?

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